The Woodmen Tower female falcon laid its fourth egg around April 3 and began sitting on the eggs. For the next 33 days, both the female and male will take turns keeping the eggs warm. So, if we do the math ... Look for the little ones to start poking their heads out around May 6.
Battle for Omaha
In late February, a falcon from Lincoln, NE, 19K, and Mintaka did battle in the skies above Omaha for control of the Woodmen Tower nest site. What made the battle more impressive is that 19K is Mintaka's father. A story by Omaha World-Herald Columnist Matthew Hansen in the April 11 issue details the epic battle. Part of the battle was captured from the FalconWatch streaming video camera and posted to YouTube by falcon enthusiast MsRapcity1.
Here is the video. If you have trouble viewing it, go to: