> FalconWatch 2010 Photo Gallery

Hera in 2008

Hera in 2008

Hera pictured prior to her release after an injury in 2008. She is approximately 1/3 larger than Zeus.

Falcons in the Snow

Falcons in the Snow

Zeus rests on the ledge, while Hera is flying. Taken
during in a February 4, 2010 snowstorm.

Woodmen Tower Falcons

Woodmen Tower Falcons

Zeus and Hera prepare the East nest.

Three Eggs

Three Eggs

We have 3 eggs.

We Have 4 Eggs

We Have 4 Eggs

Four eggs in the box.

And Then There Were 5

And Then There Were 5

Five eggs in the box.

Huddled together at snacktime

Huddled together at snacktime

The fifth egg never hatched and was discarded by Zues and Hera by May 21, 2010.

Falcons Feeding

Falcons Feeding

Hera feeds her 4 eyas.

Falcons Friday Lunch

Falcons Friday Lunch

A light lunch for the growing chicks!

Falcons Breakfast

Falcons Breakfast

The chicks are enjoying a breakfast of a red headed woodpecker!

Falcons Relaxing

Falcons Relaxing

Spreading out in the summer heat atop the Woodmen Tower.

Anxiously awaiting their share

Anxiously awaiting their share

Breakfast on a warm Tuesday morning atop the Woodmen Tower in Omaha.

Waiting for breakfast

Waiting for breakfast

The chicks are active when they are hungry!

They grow so fast!

They grow so fast!

The chicks have more than doubled in size already!

All done!

All done!

This is the first chick to be banded and placed back in the box.

A new adventure

A new adventure

Next to be banded...what's going on?

Banding Day

Banding Day

One of the chicks being banded.

Banding Day

Banding Day

Attaching the 2nd band to the chicks leg.

Chick #2

Chick #2

Second to be banded.

Chick #3

Chick #3

Staff from Raptor Recovery showing off chick #3.

Strike a Pose

Strike a Pose

Could they be any cuter?

Parade of Chicks

Parade of Chicks

2 males and 2 females!

Losing the downy feathers

Losing the downy feathers

The dark colored feathers are beginning to appear.

Hera guarding her chicks

Hera guarding her chicks

Standing guard after the chicks were returned to the nest.

Zues standing guard

Zues standing guard

Zues watched closely as the window was put back in place.



Flying in for a closer look

After the banding

After the banding

The four chicks rest and recover from their new adventure being banded.

Stretching Wings

Stretching Wings

One of the 4 is stretching her wings a lot today! Getting anxious to test them out?

Edge of Nest

Edge of Nest

One of the falcons is getting brave...sitting on the edge of the nest. Next step: onto the ledge of the building.

And then there were three...

And then there were three...

One chick is outside the nest on the ledge, two are in the nest, is the fourth out stretching it's wings?

Walking along the ledge

Walking along the ledge

The chicks are walking the ledge as they get stronger and bigger!

Mastering the Ledge

Mastering the Ledge

The chicks wander up and down the ledge while watching Zeus and Hera do fly-bys!

Spreading her wings

Spreading her wings

This chick is getting ready to leap frog over to the other side of the nest!

One giant leap!

One giant leap!

Practicing the motions, this chick jumps to the next ledge with her wings stretched out.

Fanned out feathers

Fanned out feathers

The camera caught a portion of a stretched out wing. Beautiful!

Snowy January

Snowy January

Who put this white stuff in my nest?

A Pair of Falcons

A Pair of Falcons

Zeus and Hera are both in the nest this morning!