While switching the indoor cameras to the east nest, Zeus and Hera flew around anxiously waiting for us to leave.
Here is a glimpse of the nest as it looks from inside the 28th Floor of the Woodmen Tower. One lonely egg, looking for some friends!
The fourth egg showed up sometime between late afternoon Thursday and Friday morning!
After the crew fixed one of the cameras, Hera settled back in to warm her eggs.
The first 2 chicks hatched approximately 40 days after they were laid. May 17, 2011.
Three little chicks, sitting in the nest. Mama's gonna feed 'em and then they'll rest!
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission banded each bird's leg with a numbered band and Raptor Recovery checked them all out to be sure they were in good shape, sprayed them for mites and took a vile of blood to test.