> FalconWatch 2011 Photo Gallery



While switching the indoor cameras to the east nest, Zeus and Hera flew around anxiously waiting for us to leave.

The nest

The nest

Here is a glimpse of the nest as it looks from inside the 28th Floor of the Woodmen Tower. One lonely egg, looking for some friends!

First Egg

First Egg

First Egg of 2011 appeared sometime after 8 a.m. CDT on April 6.

Three eggs!

Three eggs!

A glimpse of the three eggs from above.

Three eggs and Hera

Three eggs and Hera

Hera stretching her legs after sitting for a while to warm her three eggs.

Four Happy Little Eggs!

Four Happy Little Eggs!

The fourth egg showed up sometime between late afternoon Thursday and Friday morning!

4/18/2011 - 5 EGGS!

4/18/2011 - 5 EGGS!

We saw five eggs this morning when Zeus and Hera traded spots!

5 Beautiful Eggs

5 Beautiful Eggs

And the countdown begins until the first hatch!

I see you!

I see you!

Hera saying, "Yes, I can see you, now please leave."

Soaring above Omaha

Soaring above Omaha

While waiting for us to leave the 28th floor, Hera and Zeus both flew nearby.

Hera at the nest

Hera at the nest

Hera was very vocal in letting us know she knew we were watching!

Count em...1 2 3 4 5!

Count em...1 2 3 4 5!

After the crew fixed one of the cameras, Hera settled back in to warm her eggs.

Standing Guard

Standing Guard

While we were checking on the cameras, Hera was checking on us!

Standing Guard Still

Standing Guard Still

"Yup, I'm still here," says Hera to the paparazzi.

2 Little Fuzzy Chicks!

2 Little Fuzzy Chicks!

The first 2 chicks hatched approximately 40 days after they were laid. May 17, 2011.

Breakfast in the Penthouse

Breakfast in the Penthouse

One of the chicks first meals!

Two Falcon Eyas

Two Falcon Eyas

Two of the eggs have hatched. We are just waiting on the three remaining.

Afternoon Snack Delivery

Afternoon Snack Delivery

Zeus delivered the eyas afternoon snack to Hera.

Afternoon Snack

Afternoon Snack

Around 4:00 pm on the 18th, the two eyas received a snack from mum and pop.

We have Three!

We have Three!

Three little chicks, sitting in the nest. Mama's gonna feed 'em and then they'll rest!

5 Little Falcon Heads!

5 Little Falcon Heads!

On the morning of May 23, we could see five distinct heads in the nest!

Squawking in the Sunlight

Squawking in the Sunlight

Waiting for breakfast and enjoying some sunshine!



The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission banded each bird's leg with a numbered band and Raptor Recovery checked them all out to be sure they were in good shape, sprayed them for mites and took a vile of blood to test.

2011 Falcon Banding

2011 Falcon Banding

Showing off one of the five female falcon chicks!

Group Photo

Group Photo

Here are the five falcon chicks, all in a row!

Back in the nest

Back in the nest

All the chicks were worn out, but very curious about all the people in the window.